

The brand “Label SNJF” is the conformity mark that indicates that the product under examination complies with the requirements of the reference framework. The certification of the “Label SNJF” conformity mark confirms that: The product meets the specifications of the…
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EASY FOIL 1500 N Easy Foil N 1500  is a fully adhesive and plasterable film for durable, airtight and highly vapour retardant interior seals in both new construction and renovation. Advantages Powerful, self-adhesive surface No construction adhesive required => very…
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Iso-Top Winframer Type 3

Besides the insulating support system Iso-Top Winframer Type 1 (beams and plates based on Purenite), we now also have the Iso-Top Winfamer Type 3 in our range (based on EPS).

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Our new website

We hope that our renewed site will guide you easily through our products and offer you a clear overview of our entire range and production facilities.

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